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  [SKINCARE] [Best Reviewer] Never Squeeze Out Your Blackheads! - @stanskincare
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2022-04-06 21:00:00     View : 3207    

We all know that getting a professional skin treatment is really expensive But, luckily Neogen's V.Biome Line is here to help us have our own simple professional skincare at home By using the nano-capsule technology, all the star ingredients and vitamins will be absorbed deeper and faster into the skin!


Tiam’s Pore Minimizing Series is a total pore care solution as the products of this line ft. high % of Niacinamide, Natural BHA & Zinc PCA to help in taking care of one’s pore concerns - sebum control, tightening of pores, & removing of blackheads/ impurities.

To balance it all out & prevent over-exfoliation from happening, we must also take care of our skin’s moisture barrier as dehydrated/parched skin can also lead to increased blackheads & breakouts. That’s where Tiam’s My Signature Vitamin Hydrating Line comes in w/ Vit. B5 (Panthenol) serves as the humectant to prevent moisture loss from happening.

Say bye-bye to pore problems as TIA'M melts away our worries while at the same time keeping us hydrated! 




Tiam Blackhead Out Sheet


Stored in a black tub, this has 35 pcs w/ a tweezer included, 20 Out Cotton Swab that’s a dual extractor w/ buds at one end & extractor at the other end, & a Blackhead Out Soap w/c is charcoal-infused to help deeply cleanse & gently exfoliate the leftover dead skin cells after unclogging one’s pores using the sheet.

I noticed how this helped in clearing out my clogged pores but is still gentle as this didn’t irritate/sting my skin due to the Botanical extracts w/c are soothing, Soapberry extracts that soften & BHA that exfoliates. Also, it didn’t feel drying due to the botanical extracts.




Tiam Pore Minimizing 21 Cream

I adore the consistency of this as it has a white lotion-to-gel cream texture that’s slightly runny & is scent-free. Also, it’s stored in a black tub containing 50mL, unfortunately, w/ no spatula included & has a PAO of 6 mos. Since the consistency is a bit runny, I think a tube packaging would make this much more convenient to dispense the product.


Tiam Pore Minimizing 21 Serum


It’s scent-free, runny & watery but there’s a hint of viscosity to it yet still feels lightweight on one’s skin. Stored in a black bottle containing 40mL, this is fast to absorb but some sediments may accumulate on the rim/dropper after a while. (This is not alarming but rather this is a natural phenomenon due to high % of Niacinamide) 


Tiam My Signature Vita B5 Toner

Texture-wise, it has a slightly viscous consistency to it w/ a hint of body/richness w/ no scent but it’s still lightweight & doesn’t feel heavy on one’s skin as I can generously layer this up multiple times (~2-3) w/o a greasy feeling & is still quick to be absorbed. It also pairs well w/ all the other actives (Niacin, Vit C) that I was using in my routine!







Hyaluronic Water Plumping Serum





I love how this gives that immediate & intense soft, supple, plump, & well-hydrated finish to my skin w/o feeling heavy or greasy due to its jampacked formulation w/ 6 types of HA from macro to micromolecules ensuring that one’s skin is hydrated from deep w/in.


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4 comments's comment 0 Recommend

The best ingredients for Exfoliate (ig: orchidrosee);'s comment 0 Recommend

Love to try the tiam vita b toner. Will really help my skin, the hyaluronic acid plumping water also covers perfectly what my skin needs.'s comment 0 Recommend

Just went to the try me review me and all my account says is selected /no selected/no selected/no I think you get the pattern.'s comment 0 Recommend

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