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  [TRY ME REVIEW ME] Heimish Black Tea Mask Pack
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2018-12-17 10:34:54     View : 17866    
  Link :… (2061)

[REVIEW] Heimish Black Tea Mask Pack


'The perfect solution to morning puffiness!"





Today we’re bringing you a review on Heimish’s latest release – the Black Tea Mask Pack, by the gorgeous beauty bloggers frenchpopp and tls0819! Let’s get right to it!


Are you like me? Do you suffer from puffiness like I do? Do you avoid eating salty foods the night before an important event? If so, I strongly recommend this mask pack! 

Just 5 minutes in the morning and you’re good to go! I know I know! It’s hard to add another 5 minutes to your morning routine but the beauty of this product is that you can use it while you take a shower!

Did you know, putting your makeup on when your skin is hot makes it pill or just not sit right? Which is why this pack is perfect for your morning routine. Not only does it moisturize but it also provides a cooling effect which in turn automatically reduces any swelling / puffiness.  

Because I get so puffy in the morning, I usually use a face roller to help bring the swelling down. But I have to admit, it’s a little challenging. You know doing my makeup and drying my hair with one hand whilst massaging with the other. Nope. Not for me (hence why I give up most mornings!).

That’s why I’m so glad I found this mask pack!

When you first open the product, you’ll find a middle cap armed with a spatula. I don’t know about you but I ALWAYS lose mine so I was glad to see that there was a section to store it. 

The moment you open the mask pack, a refreshing scent hits you. I’ve been told that this is cedarwood. This fragrance lingers quite a while on your skin even after being washed off but don’t worry it’s not cloying whatsoever!

I find the texture fascinating! It’s like a cream yet not quite like a cream? It’s reminiscent of something beautiful produced by mixing ground up almonds with water or cream. OK, that might be a weird analogy. Simply put, it’s fluffy and cushiony? Like apple puree or sherbet?

The minute the product touches your skin you can feel an instantaneous cooling effect. What’s more, there’s no stickiness making it easy it apply and use. Oh! And it doesn’t dry so it maintains it’s texture for about 5 -10 minutes and washes off incredibly well with water. 

​It’s a “Good Morning!” pack so feel free to store it in your bathroom cabinet. Alternatively, place it in the fridge for a stronger cooling effect (I’m definitely going to do this in the summer)!

Then take it out in the morning, apply on your bare face, jump into the shower then wash off when your done! Nifty right? No need to add extra minutes to your (already) packed morning routine!

I usually use this about 2 – 3 times a week, on days when my skin feels particularly dry or puffy. 

This mask pack also works to clear your pores so it’s a definite win-win product for me. 

BTW if you find that you really can’t add it to your morning routine then just use it at night. It’ll help soothe away your day’s troubles, relaxing you while giving you clear skin. 

To read the full reviews in Korean head on over to the following blogs:

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