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  [SKINCARE] Pyunkang Yul Eye Cream
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2018-07-20 16:49:20     View : 16229    
  Link :… (2018)

Review: Pyunkang Yul Eye Cream



Hello everyone ♡

It's FRIYAY! To celebrate we're reviewing something special!

It's Pyunkang Yul's NEW eye cream!




Did you know?


Out of all our skincare products, eye creams tend to have the richest texture and highest concentration of nutrients. But, from the minute we open them they come into contact with air and begin to oxidize. But that’s not all, they soon become contaminated by airborne germs and microorganisms.


To prevent this, most brands add a bunch of strong preservatives which can potentially cause a lot of problems. This includes irritating your skin and making it lose its intrinsic strength.






So, what should we do?



In response to these issues, Pyunkang Yul packaged up their eye creams in 50 small sachets. That way you can rest assured that you’re using clean, uncontaminated products every day. And just like that you can enjoy one eye cream a day for intense nourishment and rejuvenation (get it? Like one mask sheet a day? #badjoke_sorrynotsorry)




Our eye muscles are the most active facial muscles. This means the skin around our eyes, which is already thinner than other places, tend to form wrinkles more readily. That's why we need a rich, highly nutritional eye cream to revitalize and plump up the area all the while preventing premature aging. 




Pyunkang Yul's eye cream is made from the highest quality ingredients that are often used in Oriental Medicine; the most prominent being Ginseng and Hwanggi. The Saponin in the Ginseng prevents premature wrinkling whereas the Isoparnoid in the Hwanggi gives your skin a boost of vitality (sounds good right)?




We love this eye cream! ♡ 


It's beautifully rich, hydrating (without being too oily) and absorbs like a dream. Plus each each sachet is filled with enough cream to use on your entire face!  We love the size too. not only is it hygienic but it's so easy to carry around for a little pick me up whenever necessary! 


BTW! Wrinkle prevention is key. You're NEVER too young to invest in a good eye cream. So how about giving this one a try?





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