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  [SKINCARE] Snails In Korean Skin Care - Korean Trends
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2016-06-30 16:51:00     View : 7347    

Snails In Korean Skin Care


Korean beauty products are renowned for being technologically advanced and effective. But look at their key ingredients and you may balk at what it says! From bird's nests to  horse oil and snail extracts, it all seems rather shocking but don't be alarmed! There is a reason and rhyme for it all (plus they are incredibly effective).  ♪ ♪ ♪ Today we'll be discussing snail slime!

Snail slime

Helix aspers muller glycoconjugates is the formal name for snail slime ♡. Now, this may be the last thing you want to put on your face but its use has been tried and tested! In fact, back in ancient Greece, the distinguished physician, Hippocrates reportedly used crushed snails to treat inflammation. And, in more recent times, Chilean farmers who handled snails for the French market noticed that their skin was markedly smoother.

How it works

(source: makeup and beauty)


Snails secrete a thick fluid that is rich in nutrients such as hyaluronic acid, glycoprotein enzymes, microbial and copper peptides and proteoglycans, all components that are regularly used in beauty products.

This seemingly magical slime helps prevent premature aging via the formation of collagen and elastin and restores hydration. It also repairs damaged skin, heals acne scars and burns all the while leaving your skin visibly softer, smoother and hydrated ♡ ♪ ♪ ♪ Convinced yet?

In Korea



Snail slime in Korea is immensely  popular with all the who's who of beauty brands having produced their very own snail containing must-have item! So, to save you the time and effort of having to buy and try all these different products or browse the internet for trustworthy reviews, we've compiled a list of some of our favorite and most popular snail containing products!


To view our other snail products, follow the links below:

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1 comments's comment 0 Recommend

I was a little reluctant to try snail products as the idea seemed a little off putting but I'm glad I did. They're super moisturizing!

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