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  [SKINCARE] [W.DRESSROOM] Dress & Living Perfume - Review
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2016-06-17 17:35:39     View : 25309    

[W.DRESSROOM] Dress & Living Perfume - Review

I'm sure you've all experienced that magical moment when a scent has transported you to a place back in time, to a memory you thought you had long forgotten. But the moment itself is incredibly vivid, so much so that it's breathtaking and all you can do for a moment is lie lost in that wonderful memory of one of the happiest times of your life! And that is how powerful scents can be!


We subconsciously link certain smells to particular events which is why a specific fragrance can conjure up a kaleidoscopic of memories and emotions. It can make us want to cry with laughter or with pain or even affect the way we feel about someone. Which is why today, I wanted to bring you W.DRESSROOM's Dress & Living series of perfumes and mists. After all, why not try this line of wonderful products to ensure your memory of this summer is forever conserved within the loveliest of scents!?



W.DRESSROOM refers to her dressing room and works to emphasize the monochromatic yet vivid streets of New York. It draws on the natural to produce uniquely trendy yet artistic products that are both comfortable and luxurious at the same time. Accordingly, it's items are designed to be simple yet incredibly chic (and I agree)!

For this review I will be talking about 3 main products which were designed to be used on cloth such as linen, pillows or as a room fresher.

[W.DRESSROOM] Dress & Living Perfume Mist No.14 Lemon and Lime

I sprayed this on my pillows and I had an amazing nights sleep. And this makes a lot of sense, after all research has shown that citrus aromas are excellent at curbing anxiety and stress, as well as helping with digestion and nausea.What also helped was the fact that the scent was not overpowering, it was a gentle fragrance with just the slightest sweet tang to it - perfect for summer!

Click here to see the product.

[W.DRESSROOM] Dress & Living Clear Perfume No.47 Fig Leaf

This item had a lovely  warm yet natural scent that seemed to envelop me. Considering that figs were once thought to be part of the Garden of Eden, perhaps it makes sense that I found it so compelling?

Click here to see the product.

[W.DRESSROOM] Dress & Living Clear Perfume No.97 April Cotton


I personally loved this scent. It was so refreshing and light that I ran around my house spraying this into every nook and cranny! 

Click here to see the product.

Overall, these W.DRESSROOM products were a little gem! They smelt great which in turn put me in a good mood AND they are incredibly affordable. So be sure to browse the different products we offer and pick up one (or more) for yourself!

Thanks for reading!


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Oh no! What happened to April Cotton? I don't see it on Style Korean anymore! :O

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