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  [SKINCARE] What is the importance of pH on your skin?
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2018-02-02 13:57:54     View : 13628    
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Facial wash and pH levels! What you need to know?


A Facial Cleanser is either break or save your skin! Lot of people think that expensive or well-known brand is the best cleanser but believe me, it’s not. Finding the best facial cleanser for your skin might be hard, but once you find the right one, your skin will say thank you!


Facial wash works not only to clean the remaining makeup, impurities, and dirt but also moisturizing, hydrating, and keep the elasticity of the skin. If you wear a thick makeup, it would better if you cleanse your skin with oil-based cleanser first and then followed by water-based cleanser.


Did you guys also know the importance of pH level for our skin? Let me explain a bit about pH, because some of you may not know what it is.



pH is potent­­ial Hydrogen, it works to measure your acidity. But how does it works in the context of your skin? Our skin needs a certain level of oil to stay hydrate and moisturize, too much can lead to oily skin and even worse acne; too little can make your skin dry and start the development of premature wrinkle. 


pH is stately from 1-14. 1 means highly acidic and 14 means high alkaline. pH 7 means it’s neutral. Our skin is acidic, which it helps to prevent the harmful of bacteria. The ideal pH of human skin is 5.5.


We need to wary of any cleanser that isn’t labeled pH balanced because it will cause a harm for your skin. Most of the cleanser may be too alkaline for the skin, as they will take away natural oils that will cause dryness and irritation to your skin.


And now it lead me to talk about this water-based cleanser from Heimish! All Clean Green Foam with pH of 5.5, which I believed is perfect for 2nd step of cleanser or as a morning cleanser!



Since it has pH 5.5, this water based cleanser will help to naturalize your skin from the oil based cleanser that you used before and it also going to helps to cleans all the remaining dirt, impurities, makeup and other things as well. 



This is a translucent gel formula, which will turns into creamy foam. Other that it has pH of 5.5 it also has minimum ingredients. All the ingredients as well are all below EWG 2, which is means that it 100% safe for your skin. It also don’t have alcohol inside! Perfect ingredients for your facial cleanser, right? It’s not going to dried out your skin, perfect for all skin types as well. 

Personally, I prefer using this as my morning gel cleanser and my 2nd step of cleanser. Keep in mind, that it has plant/ herbal scent that is pretty strong. You might want to avoid it if you are sensitive with this kind of scent.

We did a review on KBS about this and a video as well! You guys can check them as well!

*You can click the picture down below to go to our review of this cleanser!




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