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  [K-beauty Journal] 5 Common Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2023-01-31 14:16:03     View : 954    

5 Common Skincare Mistakes You Need to Avoid

You managed to finally establish a perfect skincare routine and it still doesn’t work? Or maybe you got a product that the whole TikTok is going crazy over but it broke you out? These issues are likely to begin even at the point of cleansing your face and maybe the problem is not with the actual product but the application. We will look further into common skincare mistakes and analyze how to help you solve them and improve your skin.

  1. Over-exfoliating

This might seem obvious to many, but as we rush to get the perfect skin, especially influenced by skincare influencers online, we often forget that our skin needs time to adjust and gentle care. Hoping we can skip to that glass skin moment, we go all in with peelings, scrubs and exfoliating serums. Our skin needs time to repair and over-exfoliating it can ruin its’ natural barrier, making it even more likely to develop skin issues. To protect your skin but efficiently remove dead skin, we recommend exfoliating it once or maximally twice a week depending on your skin’s needs. Of course, we have a few recommendations to make sure you use the right, gentle products.



  1. Not having a stable routine

You’ve tried every single recommended product and you’re losing your head over lack of effects? The issue might be in using too many products or changing them too often. Skin needs time to get used to changes and new ingredients. Implementing too many new products at  once or even trying out various samples in a short period of time might cause breakouts and irritation. To avoid that, analyze your type of skin and its needs and choose the routine that you will keep for a while. If you want to try something new, add it slowly and one product at once. Below are our recommendations of gentle skincare that will minimize the chances of irritation or bad skin reactions.


  1. Wrong skincare order

Since each skincare product has a different texture and needs a different amount of time to absorb, one of the most important things is to know in which order to apply them. The right order would be to apply them from the thinnest to the thickest to make sure they work well and absorb into the skin.

4. Not applying sunscreen on your neck

If you've seen those viral videos of skin with regular use of sunscreen vs without, it surely must have motivated you to never forget to apply your sunscreen… But are you sure you applied it properly? Sunscreen on your face is of course a necessity but remember - the neck area cannot be missed too. The skin in that area is also very often exposed which makes it likely to age faster. Here are some of our sunscreen recommendations that will help you protect your skin.




5. Using a regular towel

Some mistakes are just mistakes… but this one we consider an absolute skincare crime. Towels can harbor bacteria and only inflame your acne issues especially when used on a damp skin. To avoid it, either let your skin air dry or use one-use towels. This might be just a simple step but can make a huge difference. If you really need to use a regular towel, get a separate towel for both your face and body and make sure to wash it regularly.



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