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  [SKINCARE] [Best Reviewer] Pyunkang Yul Skin De-Stress Set by @skinandchips
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2022-01-26 12:33:16     View : 2701    


About Pyunkang Yul

Pyunkang Yul is a Korean skincare brand launched by Pyunkang Oriental Medicine Clinic, one of the largest oriental clinics in Korea dedicated to treating sensitive skin diseases. The brand believes in minimalist beauty, focusing only on essential ingredients in their products and eliminating those that are merely for scents and colours. 


The calming line in particular targets stressed and irritated skin, with Centella Asiatica extract, honeysuckle flower extract, and tea tree leaf extract as star ingredients to calm and hydrate the skin. The products below are all free of fragrance, essential oils, and drying alcohols


Pyunkang Yul Calming Toner Pads


Notable ingredients



Tea tree leaf extract

Willow bark extract


Citric acid



These toner pads are huge and can cover my entire cheek! There are two sides to it, a smooth side and a textured side. Both sides feel soft and aren't rough at all. Although there isn’t much essence as seen in the container, they are juicy and I can squeeze a lot of essences out after masking my whole face with one toner pad! The essence feels quite watery but takes some time to absorb.


My experience


- I love these toner pads! They hydrate my skin well after masking and make my skin feels bouncy and plump. I also like its calming effect on my skin and my acne is noticeably less red and inflamed afterward.

- My skin feels smoother after masking. The concentration of the exfoliants is unknown but feels quite gentle on my face. I can marginally use it daily but the best result for me is to use it no more than once every other day.

- I like to use it in the evenings more as it gives a slightly greasy finish that can feel a bit heavy during daytime in hot summer. 

- Recommended for all skin types particularly acne-prone skin. If you have oily skin you may want to use it in the evening due to its slightly greasy finish. 


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Pyunkang Yul Calming Moisture Repair Balm


Notable ingredients





Sunflower seed oil

Shea butter



This looks thick but surprisingly doesn’t feel too heavy for my combination skin. When applied to the face it melts into a velvety texture that doesn’t feel suffocating. It takes me some time to blend it in and gives a natural finish that is slightly dewy. I only apply a pea-sized amount each time as it can feel greasy if I apply too much of it. 


My experience

- It moisturises my skin well during nighttime and makes my skin feels soft and smooth the next morning! Think it is good at sealing up the hydration in my skin from my skincare routine. However, this may not be the thickest and most occlusive moisturizer I have used, and think it may not be enough for super dry and flaky skin. 

- It feels quite hydrating for my skin. However, I do still use a hydrating serum with it as my skin is dehydrated. It also gives a slight calming effect and when I wake up the next day I can see that my acne looks less irritated.

- More suitable for normal to dry skin types. I think oilier skin types may find this heavy as I would categorize it as a thick moisturizer. It comes in 30mL so I think I will finish it quite quickly when used consistently.

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Pyunkang Yul Calming Moisture Serum

Notable ingredients
Honeysuckle flower extract
Sodium hyaluronate
Citric acid

This serum looks thick but feels slippery and quite watery when blended out on my face. It absorbs quite quickly and gives a natural finish that is not tacky or greasy. It has a light scent similar to baby soap but doesn't contain essential oil and fragrance. Can be easily added to my routine and layers well with other products.

My experience
- It provides a decent amount of lightweight hydration. For my dehydrated skin, it hydrates my skin enough on most days in summer. It may not be the kind of serum that gives you a fantastic chok-chok feeling but is hydrating enough for daily use. 
- While it doesn’t cause me irritation when used daily, its calming effect is not quite significant on my acne-prone skin. 
- More suitable for normal to oily skin types, especially if you are living in a hot and humid climate and your skin is not particularly dehydrated. 

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Pyunkang Yul Calming Moisture Mist


Notable ingredients





Centella asiatica extract

Willow bark extract



The mist is really fine! The product itself feels watery and lightweight. It dries down quite quickly and gives a non-tacky finish. However, I have to spray this quite a lot of times to get enough amount for my whole face.


My experience

- It feels refreshing to use! It slightly hydrates my face but the amount of hydration is not sufficient for my dehydrated skin. Its calming effect is also not quite significant on my acne-prone skin. 

- It does not irritate my skin when used as a mist but when used as a toner it can cause tiny breakouts on my skin personally when I layer this multiple times. 

- More suitable for normal to oily skin types for its lightweight texture and non-tacky finish. 

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Pyunkang Yul Clear Spot Patch


My experience

- These hydrocolloid patches come in 2 sizes (10mm/12mm) and are slightly thicker in the center with compressed edges. They are thin and look quite invisible before it starts to turn white. 

- They adhere to my face well for the entire day, even if I put them on after my whole skincare routine. 

- They perform their job well and suck out gunk from my spots effectively. Overall helped my acne to heal quicker. 

- Recommended to acne-prone skin. They are similar to other standard K-beauty pimple patches and are nice to have in the stash. 


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