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  [SKINCARE] Blithe
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2019-03-14 17:13:00     View : 8453    


Patting Splash Mask

Soothing & Healing Green Tea


Acne Care, within a 15-second-face-wash



The Patting Splash Mask: Soothing and Healing Green Tea is filled with catechins from green tea  calms the skin and gives you that healthy glow. Other ingredients like the tea tree oil help control sebum production, which help control and reduce the production of white heads that cause acne.





The product also uses lactic acid instead of other surfactants. The natural bubbles seep into your pores and will remove all the impurities and fine dust as you use the product.






Combined fruit extracts 60%

Green Tea Extract

The catechins that come from the green tea helps calm and make your skin glow. Tannic acid also helps shrink pores and moisturize your skin.


Tea Tree Oil

Controls the sebum production and makes sure that your pores are squeaky clean.


Combined Fruit Extract

Natural fruit acids that gently exfoliates the skin, while helping to moisturize your skin with Vitamins A and B, and also Vitamin C that helps with pigmentations and freckles.



A. Facewash Routine


Step1. 700ml of water : After cleansing, fill the bowl of water.

Step2. 7ml of splash mask : Pour a capful of splash mask and dilute with water.

Step3. 15 seconds of splash : Splash and Pat liquid onto face, then gently pat dry with towel. 

B. In Shower


Step1. Pour a capful of patting splash mask onto palms in the shower.

Step2. Splash and pat onto cleansed skin for 15 seconds.

Step3. Use shower water to continue to splash, pat and rinse, making sure to dilute the formula with water.

*Recommend to use daily.


Pressed Serum

Tundra Chaga

Focusing on Anti-Ageing with just one product



57% of the product includes beta glucan, which is an antioxidant that comes from chaga mushrooms. It gives lots of nutrients to your skin and makes sure its energized and bouncy! The product is moisturizing and builds up the skins barrier to keep it safe and strong from the environment.




With the ingredients compressed and combined for 36 hours at an eco-friendly zone, it reduces the probability of nutrients and moisture from evaporating and makes it more soft and smooth.



Chaga Mushroom Extract 57%


Tundra Chaga Mushroom  

With beta glucan from the tundra chaga mushrooms that are grown on birch trees in Sibera, it helps with oxidation of the skin and keeps it young and healthy.



Adenosine has an anti-wrinkle effect to your skin. The safe natural ingredient gives your skin elasticity and helps with cell regeneration to prevent it from ageing.


꽃송이버섯 Cauliflower Mushroom

Contains amino acids that help maintain the skins moisture and different types of vitamins and minerals that rejuvenates and protects the skin.




Step1.. After cleansing, use the spatula included in the package to put on an appropriate amount onto your hand and apply it to your skin.

Step2. Place your hands on your skin and massage to use your body temperature to melt and absorb the product into your skin. 




Tip1. Sleeping Mask: In the evening after you cleanse your skin before going to bed, apply the product generously onto parts that you want to care for more and fall asleep with the good scent. It helps purify and calm the skin.

Step2. Focusing on Neck Wrinkle Care  : Apply the cream from the bottom to the top of the neck. As sensitive as our faces skin, use the product to keep the skin moisturized and prevents wrinkles on the neck.


Vital Treatment

8 Nourishing Beans

Discover the natures secret to elasticity


Bean Extract 80% 


We got a hint from the world famous super food for improving skin elasticity, BEANS! Similar with the build up of our skin, compounds of the bean such as collagen, phytoplasmic estrogen (isoflavones), and 8 other compounds fills in the empty gaps in your skin and makes it bouncy and healthy.



Especially to maintain the Vitamin E ingredient in the product that helps with anti-ageing, the nutrient barrier (beads) is included in the product.






Liquid Texture Optimized for Skin

Filled with ingredients similar to the skins build and a soft liquid texture, this product helps balance your skin and matches perfectly to give your skin what it needs.


120시간 발효오일 Oil Fermented for 120 Hours

Well known for how well it gets absorbed into the skin, olive oil, argan kernel oil and other oils are fermented for 120 hours, increasing its ability to be absorbed into the skin. Even with the smallest amount, the effects of this product are maximized, leaving a clean and fresh feeling to your skin.




Step1. After cleansing your skin, take an appropriate amount on your hand and apply onto your skin.

Step2. Use the body temperature of your hands and massage it to absorb into your skin.



Cotton Pad Treatment: Wet the cotton pad with the Vital Treatment and place the cotton pad onto the area of your skin that you want to take care of for a few minute. You will feel that your skin is nourished and moisturized just as you have used a mask.


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