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  [SKINCARE] Blithe Pressed Serum Tundra Chaga
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2019-01-11 15:26:17     View : 14121    
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[REVIEW by Ting] Blithe Pressed Serum Tundra Chaga



"A serum and moisturizer hybrid packed with 60% chaga mushroom"





Product name │ Blithe Pressed Serum Tundra Chaga


Category │ Serum and moisturizer hybrid


How to use │ Use this product twice a day after toner and essences. You will only need a small amount each time. *Use the mini spatula provided and remember to clean the spatula before dipping into the product again!* This product is a multitasker as it is filled with antioxidants and is moisturizing enough to not need an additional moisturizer right after using this pressed serum ! But again, skincare is very versatile whereby if you feel you need additional moisture, you can always use a hydrating serum before this product or to use a thicker moisturizer right after this product. Some even suggested to use this as a sleeping mask by applying a thicker layer.



☆ Ingredients breakdown ☆ 



This product honestly has really impressive ingredient lists. This product contains 60% of mushroom extracts that Blithe utilizes cool-process to preserve its nutrition as the commonly used heating method often destroy some of the benefits of the mushroom. This product also contain fermented oils that are potent antioxidants such as olive and argan oil that also hydrates the skin well with its essential fatty acid components . Other than that this product is infused with humectants that draws in more moisture to our skin and emollients to retain the moisture ! The alcohols in the product are all fatty alcohols that does not sensitize the skin.


The only downside about the product is that it contains a few plant oils that may potentially cause skin reactions (Citrus Medica Limonum (Lemon) Peel Oil,Cedrus Atlantica Bark Oil and Pelargonium Graveolens Flower Oil) , so do try the product at a small part of your skin before applying all over. Stay away from these products if you are known to have really bad reactions towards these few ingredients, although their amounts are considered to be pretty low as they lie at the bottom of the ingredient lists.




☆ Main ingredients ☆ 




☆ Experience ☆ 


How often can you use?

As much as you want! Best to be used right after toner and essences. If you are layering multiple products and are confused about which to use first, just go from the product with the thinnest consistency and then to the thickest consistency! Just know that this product is moisturizing enough and most of the time I just apply this product right after an essence and just call it a night!


It has a pudding like texture – in between a gel and cream texture. The pressed serum is lightweight, watery and spreads nicely on the skin! It absorbs nicely into the skin and leaves the skin feeling well moisturized. Also, pressed serum does not stain your skin brown!


I have no idea what this product smells like! But it smells pretty good actually.

☆ Personal review ☆ 



"Decided to give it a 4 out of 5,here's why!"


I love that Blithe created a product that is highly concentrated with active ingredients that penetrates deeper into the skin (serum) and at the same time it is still moisturising enough to not need any additional products to retain the skin moisture. This definitely saves up time needed to achieve similar results and money as you don’t have to purposely purchase additional serums.


After using this product day and night for a good two weeks as my regular serum and moisturizer, I can say that I enjoyed the product! Then I started studying about the product and grew to love it even more because I know upon each usage I am adding in high levels of antioxidants to my skin. My skin feels plumped, well hydrated and glowly after using this product! I won’t be able to determine its anti-aging properties as I do not have wrinkles yet but I totally would not mind using this product as a preventative measure.


The main reason for a 4 star was because I would much prefer the product to be in a pump bottle instead of needing to dip a spatula to get the product out each time. I just feel that this definitely increases contamination chances.  







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