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  [SKINCARE] PKY Acne Line By Nataly Liman
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2018-09-28 11:36:04     View : 14298    
  Link : (1599)

[REVIEW]  PKY Acne Line By Nataly Liman






So, few weeks ago I received this package from Stylekorean (Try Me Review Me Event). A brand called Pyunkang Yul. I have heard about this Korean brand for a while, but never had a chance to try it.







Pyunkang Yul ACNE Facial Cleanser

This product claimed to be able to remove dead skin and waste sebum, using a medicinal herb, white willow that contains salicylic acid (BHA) and tannin, known to remove waste and dead skin cells generated by excessive sebum. It also has tiger lily that contain Matairesinol glucoside, which is an antibacterial. This ingredient prevents bacteria within pores from creating inflammation in the skin and assist in  eliminating waste inside pores. Not only those two amazing ingredients, it also has Copper tripeptide which is an anti-inflammatory that helps damaged skin repair itself.


I personally love cleansing product, you know after a long day with all dirt and who knows what else on our skin, we finally get a chance to clean our face. That refreshing feeling just so satisfying. But I am not a fan of a product that dries out my skin after and leave me with a feeling of tighten skin. This product is not like that. It leaves me a refreshing feeling, without drying up my skin.








Pyunkang Yul ACNE Toner

Tell me your skin care routine. Most of us, who loves skin care more than makeup, or just as much as makeup. We tend to have ridiculous long skin care routine which include everything. But for those who don’t, I recommend at least put a toner after cleansing your face. Trust me, it would make a different! So I have been trying Pyunkang Yul toner for couple weeks, and I like that it didn’t burn my skin even though it is an acne directed product and exfoliated my skin. Some toner did burn a little but this one just not. It was gentle with a good smell. Well, it is not like having intense fragrance, but it didn’t smell like a medicine. It left my skin really smooth after!









Pyunkang ACNE Cream

This cream is to protect the skin from bacteria. It uses Asiatic knotweed root extract that contains hyperin and polygonin, which reinforce skin barriers! Well, beside knowing the ability of this cream that we know must be great, how is it feel? For me, face cream should be moisturising my skin pretty yet don’t make me like a greasy ball walking around. And this product does it job pretty well. It is already Fall here in Chicago, which means the weather is starting to get cold, and my skin turn a little dry, and probably that is the reason this product sank in to my skin really fast, yet still leaves my skin moisturized.








Pyunkang Yul ACNE Spot Cream

Who doesn’t need an acne spot cream? Even for those who don’t have a lot of acne, we tend to have at least one big annoying acne on those days of the month, if you know what I mean. That is the reason why I must have spot cream that can heal it as fast as it possibly can. This product claimed to alleviate acne within 12 hours. I haven’t tried it with my big period acne, and I can’t wait to try. Come on! 12 hours??? I can go to a hot date the next day without weird red acne on my forehead. So I will update this one soon! (probably on my Instagram).




Pyunkang Yul ACNE Dressing Mask Pack

FACE MASK! Oh I am addicted to face mask. Seriously, I use face mask almost every day! Morning and night LOL. I know it sounds bad, but well some face mask is just a wash off mask, which wouldn’t take up too much of our time in the morning. This face mask is not an ordinary sheet mask. As you probably would guess, this is a SOS product for acne skin, it has concentrated ingredients targeted for that. So this mask has few sheets that we can put on our desired area rather to put it on all of our face. Which seriously a GREAT Idea.






These products do their job pretty good, even though I just tried it for couple weeks. I will keep using this product for few weeks after this and see what happen. Especially the acne spot! It has a great price as well, which is a huge plus for good skin care. I mean, there are plenty good ridiculously expensive product out there, and it is just one of the routines. But Pyunkang Yul has product that do the same job with affordable price. Give this product a try, and always give at least a month to try a skin care product before you decide whether you like it or not.


My favourite is the mask pack!




 And a little bit about our amazing reviewer:




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