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  [INGREDIENT 101] Best skincare ingredients for oily skin
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2022-06-08 00:00:03     View : 2704    

Despite common opinion that oily skin is a condition that can be treated, it is not exactly right. Oily skin is a skin type that we have throughout our life, which cannot be changed completely, but only controlled visually.


If you have noticed that your skin become oilier during the summer, there could be few causes of that:


- Humidity and high temperature cause more active production of sweat by sebaceous sweat glands our body has, which helps to decrease body temperature. Sebaceous glands produce ‘oily’ type of substance, which creates a vision of oilier skin.

- Use of very harsh cleansers can cause higher production of oil. Striping the skin of natural oils cause increased irritation and weak skin barrier, as well as over-production of oils to compensate the lack of moisture and protection.

Overuse of mattifying products and lack of hydration. Same as the use of harsh cleansing ingredients, mattifying products strip the skin off the natural oils and moisture, which activates the sebum production. At the same time not applying enough hydrating ingredients signals the sebum producing glands which leads to over production of oil.


With the current concern of how to take care of oily skin during summer and any other season, here are some hero ingredients that you may implement into your skincare routine: 


1. Kaolin and Bentonite

When talking about skincare for oily skin, clay ingredients are something you need to have. Kaolin and Bentonite are two most popular clay ingredients you can find in masks and cleansing foams. 

- Kaolin or widely known white clay is one of the gentle types you can find in the skincare. Kaolin is great absorbing components, which helps to remove excessive oil and sebum, balancing natural oil level. Kaolin also helps to clean pores from impurities, unclog pores and even soothe irritations.

- Bentonite clay is usually obtained by volcanic ash and is a bit more intensive compared to Kaolin. Bentonite has more powerful absorbing properties which is perfect for those with very oily skin. Bentonite also is great for acne prone skin as it has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties.




2. BHA/Salicylic acid

BHA or Beta Hydroxy Acid is more commonly know as Salicylic acid can be found in many products for acne-prone or oily skin. BHA acid is an exfoliant that is able to break down the bonds that hold dead skin cells together and at the skin's surface. BHA is an oil-soluble component meaning it can penetrate pores and remove impurities and excessive sebum from pores. BHA acid is extremely beneficial for fighting against clogged pores as well as against acne caused by pore clogging. 

Apart from exfoliation, BHA acid is an antibacterial ingredient and helps to fight breakouts and inflammations. 




3. Niacinamide 

Niacinamide is mostly known for its brightening properties and widely used for fighting with hyperpigmentation and dark spots.  However, niacinamide also has calming and anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to relieve the stress and calm down sebaceous glads, reducing excessive sebum production. Niacinamide also provides moisture and hydration, which is great in reducing skin dehydration and consequently excessive oiliness. 



4. Charcoal

Another intensive yet very effective ingredient for extremely oily skin. Charcoal is great absorbing component which will help to deal with excessive oil and cleanse pores. Charcoal based skincare could be quite intensive, so make sure to now use charcoal products daily. Moreover, charcoal is beneficial for protecting skin from free radicals and removing toxins thanks to its high absorption properties. 




5. Hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is fact is one of the greatest ingredients for every skin type you can think of. As was said before, one of the main reasons our skin starts producing more sebum is dehydration as many can think that "moisturizers can be skipped in summer". Hyaluronic acid is a savior that can deal with dehydration and not overload the skin during summertime. By providing hydration and moisture retention, HA helps to balance out the skin and reduce high activity of sebaceous glands. 




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