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  [SKINCARE] About Claire's Guerisson 9 complex cream 70g
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2015-12-22 14:33:46     View : 12702    

Guerisson 9 Complex cream​ Power your skin and Power and Beauty . 

Guerisson beautifies your skin with the power of authentic hours oil. Power your skin and let its natural beauty shine.Guerisson, the Power of horse Oil 


Guerisson 9 Complex Line 



StyleKorean Product line up 

Claire's Guerisson 9 complex skin 130ml

Claire's Guerisson 9 complex lotion 130ml

Claire's Guerisson 9 complex Essence 130ml 

Claire's Guerisson 9 complex Cream 70ml

Claire's Guerisson 9 complex (Limited Edition) Cream + 8 Pcs Samples

Claire's Guerisson 9 complex horse oil Hydrogel gold mask 6 sheets pack 


Guerisson 9 complex cream active ingredients


Horse Oil 

Premium German Horse Oil processed five times for the finest quality 

Horse oil contains both vegetable and animal fate and it's structured similarly to human sebum . Unsaturated fatty acids and Ceramides in horse oil protect moisture content in the keratinous layer of skin and strengthen skin's natural barrier, Promoting a soft, Healthy appearance.

Skin Barrier Strengthening : Restores oil-moisture balance and restores skin's natural Barrier 

Moisturizing : Moisturizes and softens dry skin. 

Protecting : Protects skin against environmental aggressors. 

Firming : Increases skin's firmness 




9 Herb Extracts Information 

Peppermint, Leaf Apple Mint Leaf, Sage Leaf, Rosemary Leaf, Lavender Flower, Cabbage Rose Flower, Lemon Balm, Leaf Chamomile, Bergamot Leaf (9 different herb extracts help soothe, firm, and protect skin for a vibrant appearance. 

* Based on the ingredient properties . 

Guerisson 9 Complex effects

1. 72 Hours Moisturization . ( Dual functioning : Brightening & Anti-Wrinkle )

Fills out loose skin with nutrients and locks in moisture for lasting softness and comfort. 

2. Firming Power 

Strengthens skin's natural barrier and increases firmness, Promoting a fimer appearance.

3.Smooth Skin.

9 herb extracts smooths dry,rough skin and keeps it soft. 



 Softens without felling sticky with a buttery cream Texture . 

Please check attached this before and after pictures.



Guerisson 9 complex cream Human Test Results



Go Claire's Guerisson 9 complex shop 




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