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  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2022-11-11 14:07:52     View : 721    

CRAVITY 4th Mini Album [NEW WAVE] Fan Sign Event Winners Announcement



Hello, this is STYLEKOREAN.

Please find the lists of winners of CRAVITY 4th Mini Album [NEW WAVE] Fan Sign Event below:



Name Contact No.
 MENGH* 2972
 福富* 3335
 川* 菜* 5948
 河野* 2625
CHE* QIA* 0915
CHUXI* 7655
HID* AY* 6805
HU* RUO* 1138
MAT* MOM* 5349
NAK* KA* 6732
Sab* McD* 2553
WA* YIF* 0219
XUY* 9801
yih* 0514
ZH* MIN* 6625
キタ* サ* 6181
김*서 9944
김*은 8184
김*지 5023
박*원 9118
배*영 5487
위*은 2764
이*슬 7718
이*희 4393
정*혜 7022
최*주 3478
한*연 4998
허*민 8168
홍*희 4796




<1:1 Video Call Event - SERIM>


이름 연락처
Far* Pra* 9514
KAT* MA* 0857
OKA* HIN* 0320
Sir* Bid* 3549
SIUL* 9907
Xin* Li* 3176
Yen* Man* 0960
김* 9103
김*윤 4701
이*안 2604



<1:1 Video Call Evnet - MINHEE>


이름 연락처
 Te* Ji* S*, Ali* 3028
 大石* 0353
 秋山* 9668
KA* RI* 1548
QIJ* 7442
UWA* CHI* 7716
ハラ* サ* 6821
문*빈 1401
송*영 1518
신*경 3011



<1:1 Video Call Event - JUNGMO>


이름 연락처
 Fa* Yu* 4377
 KAW* KAR* 7259
Aud* 1518
DE* HAN* 0389
G* XIA* 4338
Rav* Man* 5663
TAK* YU* 7517
김*빈 1339
윤*영 9268
이*현 1745



<1:1 Video Call Event - HYUNGJUN>


이름 연락처
 L* PU* YI* 3660
 MOR* MA* 2921
 秋山* 9668
SA* KEI* 4999
SAS* HAR* 0867
TR* TH* LI* 0273
기*현 0930
임*영 4937
장*빈 1189
정*진 5471



<1:1 Video Call Event - TAEYOUNG>


이름 연락처
 RI* HAN* 3024
 Sop* Nam* 9269
ON* AKA* 4404
Rod* Mar* 0512
Tan* Nam* 9484
Ye* Je* Ye* 9081
김*기 2068
서*비 1859
이*슬 7718
조*진 7462



<1:1 Video Call Event - WOOBIN>


이름 연락처
 Ro* col* 3468
 TAM* KAR* 5940
la* hi* chi* 0502
MAE* YOS* 5865
Nav* Cha* 6631
OIS* MA* 0309
sur* dan* 9565
WANG* 3767
김*더 6070
배*별 9415



<1:1 Video Call Event - WONJIN>


이름 연락처
 瀧 愛* 8827
AO* NON* 0313
DI* SAI* 8851
Ire* Li* 1710
KAW* NA* 1764
SHI* KA* 3752
sur* dan* 9565
권*지 9295
김*서 3554
박*정 1375



<1:1 Video Call Event - ALLEN>


이름 연락처
 FUM* NOG* 7621
 川* 菜* 5948
CHE* QIA* 0915
ORA* KAM* 0960
Rac* Pan* 0960
SU* YIY* 5698
ホリ* ナオ* 9437
박*수 0207
이*안 2604
정*인 0412



<1:1 Video Call Event - SUNGMIN>


이름 연락처
 Has* Ma* 3476
 HAY* HIM* 5642
TAK* MA* 5429
viv* te* 6342
Xin* Li* 3176
ZHA* RUI* 2528
권*연 6303
박*은 1828
송*나 5163
이*림 1464





* To all winners, please make sure that the Allow ID search function is ON for the channel you applied for(KakaoTalk/Line/WeChat, etc.)!

- If it's not possible to contact because the ID search function is OFF, you may not be able to participate in the event.

- The order of the winner announcement and the order of the video call may be different from one another.

- You will be receiving this message from multiple accounts - please respond to all of them.

- Please note that we will not send an additional message before the event. We will call the participants in order so please be prepared.

- Unreasonable demands or request that may cause misunderstandings to the artist are strictly prohibited. Failure to do so may result in the call being terminated, and the store is not responsible for this.




Thank you,


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