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#COVID19 #Maskfree #SkincareTips


Do you guys keep sanitizing your hands all the times and washing your hands? Plus you keep wearing masks as well?

We know that our skin has been breaking out recently due to wearing masks every single day!


Please raise your hands if your skin is fine and give us the worthy tips to care our skin clean :D

However if your skin goes breaking out, you guys MUST watch this episode!


Let's see what Megan and Soo are going to tell us!


1. Today's letter (0:24)

2. Causes of Sensitized Skin (0:34)

3. Skincare for Sensitive Skin (1:08)

4. Recommendation of Products

 [SCINIC] Cicanoid Cream (2:13)

 [Centellian24] Madeca Cream Power Boosting Formula (2:54)

 [Goodal] Green Tangerine Vita C Tone Up Cream (3:50)

 [Innisfree] No Sebum Mineral Powder (6:50)

 [AIRIVE] Airy Skin Spa Cleanswer 30 Days (8:08)

5. Face Mask Beauty Tips (4:43)

6. Make-up Tips (5:40)

7. Cleansing Tips (7:52)


Please leave comments of your questions on skincare or makeup down below!

(* For English subtitles, find the wheel-shaped icon in the bottom-right corner of the video!)



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