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  [SKINCARE] [NEOGEN] Canadian Clay Pore Cleanser - Review
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2016-06-16 16:32:39     View : 8723    

[NEOGEN] Canadian Clay Pore Cleanser - Review

It's summer! - which means you finally get to lounge around at the beach with that ice cold drink in one hand, shades covering your eyes and a group of friends talking about everything and anything! It also means that you'll be wearing much less makeup than usual so, it's essential that your skin looks perfect with no enlarged pores and blackheads in sight! Which is why, today, I'll be reviewing NEOGEN's Canadian Clay Pore Cleanser.

The effect of summer on your skin

Your pores play a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis within your body. That is, when it's hot, pores enable you to sweat through them thereby enabling the conservation of a normal body temperature.They also secrete a natural lubricant called sebum which helps moisturize and protect your skin. Unfortunately, it can also block your pores which give rise to blackheads instead! I know its an ugly cycle!

[NEOGEN] Clay Pore Cleanser:

NEOGEN is a novel concept brand that utilizes state-of-the-art bio technology to harmonize natural and active ingredients to produce products that are both eco-friendly and functional.

Accordingly, its Canadian Clay Pore Cleanser combines a blend of glacial marines oil and colloidal clay from Canada that works to eliminate not only excess sebum but also blackheads, dead skin cells and makeup resides both on the surface and depths of your skin. Simply put, it draws out the impurities to leave you nourished, clean and refreshed! In testament to this, they carried out clinical tests that indicate the products effectiveness in cleansing your pores! Look at the impressive list! <3


The unboxing:


The packaging for this product is nice and simple with the cleanser packed into a solid white tub.



The product has quite a unique appearance with a thick paste-like consistency. It's soft and cool to touch!

The reveal 


I applied a thick layer of the cleanser over my dry skin and let it sit for about 5 mins during which it bubbled away (it was a rather pleasant experience)! Meanwhile, the Canadian Glacial Soil and Carbonic Acid Capsules got to work! They burst open, shook my pores and absorbed all the waste products!

Quick tip: What's particularly great about this product is that you can use it directly over makeup! 

After this, I used warm water and gently massaged my face with the bubbles then washed the product away.


Afterwards, my skin felt incredibly clean! I was also pleasantly surprised to see how much my skin tone had brightened and 

NEOGEN's Canadian Clay Pore Cleanser left me feeling extremely satisfied! Perhaps that's why its such a hit item here in Korea? And I would recommend that you give it a try! After all, it's a summer must have item!

Check it out HERE!

Thanks for reading everyone! 


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