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  [SKINCARE] Cushion Foundation – Know What You’re Using
  Writer : Stylekorean      Date : 2016-06-07 14:17:20     View : 5123    

 Cushion Foundation - Know What You're Using

A quick introduction​


For many of you living overseas, BB and CC creams – both popularized by Asian beauty brands – are fairly novel concepts. After all, it hasn’t been that long since they were launched into the market. But once released, most of us fell irrevocably in love with them –  and why not!? they offer UV protection, great coverage and were hydrating. Then, Amore Pacific, a well-known Korean brand, decided to take things to the next level. They combined all the best components of BB and CC creams and then improved them to introduce the cushion foundation (and now the who’s who of beauty all own at least one if not several)!

Now, it may seem like this is a recent beauty revolution but cushion foundations have been prevalent in the Korean market since 2008 which means, Korean beauty brands have had sufficient time to better their products (which is great for us)! For example, many are now efficacy products with UV protection, anti-aging properties; contain numerous enriching ingredients; includes primer, increased coverage… you name it!

What are they?


Most simply explained, they are products that contain foundation in a cushion at the bottom of a compact (which is great in that it prevents unwanted spillages)! It also comes with a sponge applicator which is used to dispense the foundation – just press lightly on the cushion, then dab on your face, pat and finish! It’s that easy!

The cushion


Now, the cushion is also an integral part of the product’s utility (it’s not simply a unique design)! According to Nathalie Paiva, director of Amore Pacific, the cushion is “made with the same base material that was once used in ancient Asian stamp and seal practices, which maintain and preserve liquid emulsion in its optimal state”. In layman terms, it makes the foundation lighter which reduces the amount of product you apply to your face and thereby making it harder to cake on the stuff!

The applicator


I personally love the sponges that come with cushion foundations! I find they help provide a better, more even coverage whilst absolving the need to buy (expensive) makeup applicators and brushes! What’s more, many brands now offer sponges that were created using anti-microbial materials which prevent the aggregation of bacterium.


As mentioned above, cushion foundations are particularly light thus build-up and re-application is actually recommended! More can be applied for increased coverage or alternatively touch ups can be done every 2 hours (the standard recommendation for sunscreen use) as the products contain ingredients for UV protection. Genius!

Perfect for summer

I dislike wearing foundation in the summer. It feels heavy, oily and, over time, my face seems to melt off. Not to mention, there’s the added hassle of carrying it around, having it heat up, spill everywhere, looking for applicators and mirrors, you name it. In such cases, cushion foundations feel like a god send! They’re portable, contain all the needed equipment, don’t spill and offer UV protection! Even better, they’re light! Just a couple of dabs and pats here and there and you look picture perfect for summer!

So, to ensure you look your best this summer, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best cushion foundations out there! Be sure to check them out here! Or follow the link below :) 

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