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10. Andracel19@yaho… 18-12-05
This is secret post.
9. yanti.lee87@gma… 18-12-04
This is secret post.
8. emelie0880@gmai… 18-09-21
do you shift in australia?i just wondering the price is in will i know the price in aud.
A. The answer is not registered.
7. jennetnabor@gma… 18-09-19
Hi wondering if I need to use the serum twice a day (day and night). There is no instruction in the bottle.
A. The answer is not registered.
6. gcarbon117@gmai… 18-09-10
I just wanted to know if I can still use my usual skin care products like facial wash and moisturizer while using it? I have a Klair toner too..
A. The answer is not registered.