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K-Beauty Gurus: TOP 32 contestants profile! (Part 4 )

K-Beauty Gurus: TOP 32 contestants profile! (Part 4 ) Today's the last of our Top 32 finalist's profiles! Are you a little disappointed? Don't be! we'll be back soon. In the meantime, be sure to check out ...

9443 VIEW

[Review] K-Beauty Gurus Beauty Box #2

K-Beauty GurusBeauty Box #2 Hello everyone! Today I will be reviewing  K-Beauty Gurus Beauty Box #2. All the products are up on our website! Check them out! pssst... All of the products are 20% OFF. In thi...

10451 VIEW

CHUSEOK Holiday Notice

  Dear Customers of StyleKorean! The Korean Thanks Giving holiday is on October 02nd~09th. Please be aware that our services, deliveries, e-mail responses and other related matters may be delayed duri...

8603 VIEW

K-Beauty Gurus: TOP 32 contestants profile! (Part 3)

K-Beauty Gurus: TOP 32 contestants profile!(Part 3 ) We're back with Part 3! We know you're eager to learn more about our gorgeous contestants, so without further ado, let's get started!  Say hello to Yana...

7743 VIEW

K-Beauty Gurus: TOP 32 contestants profile! (Part 2)

TOP 32 contestants profile!(Part 2) Hello our lovely readers! So, same like yesterday, today we will introduced another 8 contestants from our top 32 contestants for K-Beauty Gurus Competition! Worry not, we will up...

9001 VIEW

K-Beauty Gurus: TOP 32 contestants profile! (Part 1)

TOP 32 contestants profile!(Part 1) Hello our lovely readers! So, today we will introduce 8 contestants from our top 32 contestants for K-Beauty Gurus Competition! Worry not, we will update you guys for other contes...

8463 VIEW

[REVIEW] Alive Lab; Centella Dressing Powder

[REVIEW] Alive Lab; Centella Dressing Powder Hello everyone, I’m back with another review!wooo :D   A magic powder that can calm your acne in desperate times of need! ALIVE:LAB, Centella Dressing Po...

12873 VIEW

Great news: Indonesian Order

Indonesian Order Halo semuanya! Beberapa bulan terakhir ini, Stylekorean tidak menerima order dari Indonesia dikarenakan adanya masalah bea-cukai! Tapi, jangan khawatir karena sekarang, Stylekorean sudah menerima or...

85580 VIEW

#Let'sKBeauty [Cheat Sheet] #02

 #02Hello ladies, so today I'm back with another #Let'sKBeauty Cheat Sheet! Fall is just around the corner and I can wait for the sweater weather and of course fall make-up!Here's I will show you few fall makeup ...

10530 VIEW

[Review] K-Beauty Gurus Beauty Box #1

K-Beauty GurusBeauty Box #1 Hello everyone! Today I will be reviewing  K-Beauty Gurus Beauty Box #1. The day after tomorrow, our lovely contestants will be uploading their video about these products! I'm really...

10162 VIEW

LINE@ Let's Be Friends!

LINE@ Let's Be Friends! Let’s Be Friends! ♪ ♪ ♪  StyleKorean is pleased to announce that we’re on LINE@ J Come join us for up-to-date information on our latest events and sales (plus special gifts)!&nbs...

15660 VIEW

#Let'sKBeauty [Cheat Sheet] #01

 #01 Hello K-beauty lover! So, today I will help you guys to know more about color corrector! I know that it might be hard for newbies, even sometimes I got confused as well! lolI really hope that this can...

9863 VIEW
0 COMMENTS at KCON LA 2017! at KCON LA 2017!Let us show you the summary of our stunning three days at K-CON LA 2017! KCON LA 2017, the world's largest Korean culture festival, kicked off its journey of 3 days on August 18...

9829 VIEW

K-Beauty Gurus #OnAir #02

#02Hello everyone! I’m back with another update about our on-going K-beauty Gurus competition. So, we sent our package on 31st of August and most of our contestants already received the package! We aware that mo...

7371 VIEW

K-Beauty Gurus #OnAir #01

 Hello everyone, how are you? I hope all of you are doing fine! Fall is around the corner and finally we can say good-bye to the heat! (Okay! At least for me lol) Btw, let’s start with the news that I want to sha...

7622 VIEW
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